Sunday, April 11, 2010

Ben Roethlisberger Is a Scumbag

Surprise of my life.  It is now being reported that Georgia Officials are NOT going to file criminal charges against Big Ben. Roethlisberger: 2, Women of the World: 0.

How many lives is this guy going to get? This is his second sexual assault charge complaint, and 3rd major career snafu (in 2006 he suffered serious injuries when he was driving on a motorcycle without wearing a helmet).

The victim of the first sexual assault basically had her personal life put on trial by the Pittsburgh press.  Sure, that article makes the victim sound straight-up crazy, but not even crazy people deserve public scorn and criticism because they were sexually assaulted by a celebrity.  This second victim (20 years old) had to go to the emergency room.

I hope the NFL decides to take a hard-lined stance against this latest incident.   Just because the criminal courts are too scared to prosecute sexual assaults against women, doesn't mean that the NFL can't make a statement.  They are not beholden to the same burdens of proof that a District Attorney has to think about when filing an indictment.

If I'm being honest with you, I will be displeased with anything less than a 5+ game suspension.  And let's face it, if Roethlisberger were black, he would have already been suspended.  Just look at Pacman Jones if you think I'm wrong.  Pacman Jones wasn't making $100million dollars either. 

In case you are somehow not completely sold on the idea that Roethlisberger is a total and complete scumbag, I submit the following photos for your review. 

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